Category: Web Design

Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Websites are now clearly the most clear ‘digital handshake’ that a business can make with their customers and potential customers. But because they are still new for a lot of business owners, the focus on them isn’t as great as it could be.

And that means that many websites and businesses are making simple, but avoidable mistakes in their web design. Ironing out these errors can go a long way towards:

  • Having a more effective website
  • Driving more leads
  • Getting more calls and appointments, and,
  • Ultimately, winning more work and growing your revenue.

To show you some of the ‘quick wins’ you can get on to today, we’ve created a short checklist to work through with your own website.

Be Clear in What You Want

We once reviewed one of the best pieces of business website writing we’d ever seen. It was interesting. It was insightful. It was even funny. But it went from being a 10/10 to a 7/10 for one reason: it didn’t have a call to action.

Every business has a call to action. It might be scheduling a free quote. It might be making an appointment to talk on the phone or via video chat. Or it might be scheduling a trial. But so many pieces of website writing lack this element.



5 Things You Should Know Before Building Your First Website

Building Your First Website

The online world has become increasingly popular over the past decade or so. Online businesses are very common in the modern world, and most traditional businesses now have at least some sort of online presence. With the increase in online business comes an increase in the need for new websites and web design professionals.

However, what a lot of people don’t realise is that content management systems like WordPress make it possible for the average person to build their own simple business website. Sure, a top, high traffic site will require significantly more work, but a simple small business site can be created in a couple of days if you do some research beforehand.

5 important things that you should know before you even attempt to build your first WordPress website include:

  1. You Need Some Sort Of Digital Strategy:

It is important to realise that you can’t just jump straight into your first website without having at least a few clearly defined goals and objectives. Doing this would be like trying to build a business without knowing what sort of business you were building. Before you even think about a website, you need to sit down and develop a clear, well-defined digital strategy.



5 Tips for Success in Global eCommerce Businesses

eCommerce Businesses

One thing that always happens when a business starts to become bigger and bigger is that the market within the local region it is from gets saturated. It only makes sense that at this point, eCommerce businesses make the decision to go global in a bid to expand their horizons and grow even bigger as a company. In fact, many ecommerce businesses that go global depend on their international sales for the profits.

That being said, moving an ecommerce business into the multinational realm is nothing less than a highly sophisticated feat. There are plenty of things which factor in when it comes to manage a global ecommerce business. Here are some of the top tips that can help you expand your ecommerce business internationally with success.

  1. Be Clear On Objectives

A lot of companies have found success when they’ve expanded into international markets. They haven’t become successful by going in blindly. In order to make your business successful internationally, you should be clear on the goals you want to achieve with the expansion. You should not even consider expanding your ecommerce business to an overseas market if it isn’t seeing success locally. Only once you see success in your local market you will be able to go to an overseas market with less risk of failure.



Responsive Web Design & Branding – How Are They Related?

Responsive Web Design

The modern digital world is evolving rapidly, and it can sometimes be hard to keep up. Over the past few years, responsive website design has become a major consideration for website owners. Lawyers such as Lawyers Perth tend to receive a lot of business through their websites, so it’s important for them to make sure that their site’s are up to modern standards. At Slinky Creative, they understand that professionals like Lawyers Perth tend to receive a lot of business through their websites, so it’s crucial to ensure that their sites are up to modern standards.

A responsive website design can also influence your branding efforts. Since branding is another crucial component of law firm digital strategy, it’s important to understand how the two are related and how you can use them to maximise your online visibility.

What Is A Responsive Website?

Let’s start simple. Basically, a responsive website is one which can adapt to the size of the device that it is being viewed on. You’ve probably noticed that a lot of websites look a lot different on different devices – what you see on your phone won’t be the same as what you see on your laptop. This is because they are designed to be a responsive website.

Being responsive let’s a website adapt to different screen sizes while maintaining a visually appealing and engaging design. It prevents content and images from appearing too small on mobile devices, and it makes sure that things look good at all times.

How Is Responsive Design Related To Branding?

Branding your law firm is a crucial part of carving out a niche for yourself. You might want to show your firm as professional, affordable, friendly or anything else. Branding lets you do so.

Branding involves things like making sure that your website and social media pages are professionally designed and managed, making sure that your design is consistent throughout your website and making sure that you convey a clear, consistent message.

A responsive design can help your business appear professional and well-managed. In the modern world, a website that doesn’t look good on a mobile device simply isn’t going to succeed. This will lead to a poor brand image and reputation, negatively impacting your online presence.



Things To Consider When Designing A Winning WordPress Homepage

WordPress Homepage

Modern web design can appear complicated and difficult, especially if you don’t have a lot of technological experience. However, the ease of new website building platforms like WordPress means that anyone with a bit of time and the willingness to learn can create their own site with minimal costs.

If you are considering going down this road and building your own website without a lot of training, developing experience or coding knowledge, then you need to do some research to learn a few tricks of the trade. One of the most important parts of any website is the homepage, as this is the thing that many people see first. Making a good first impression is very important, and some of the most important things to consider when building a winning homepage include:

Use Smaller Image Files Where Possible:

Of course, you want to make your homepage look as good as you can. However, high resolution images can come at a cost. They are usually large, and therefore take a long time to load, slowing your page load speeds. Research by Google shows that at over 50% of website visitors will leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, meaning that they are most likely visiting your competitor’s sites. Try and compress your images where possible, and limit image use on your homepage.

