Things To Consider When Designing A Winning WordPress Homepage

Modern web design can appear complicated and difficult, especially if you don’t have a lot of technological experience. However, the ease of new website building platforms like WordPress means that anyone with a bit of time and the willingness to learn can create their own site with minimal costs.
If you are considering going down this road and building your own website without a lot of training, developing experience or coding knowledge, then you need to do some research to learn a few tricks of the trade. One of the most important parts of any website is the homepage, as this is the thing that many people see first. Making a good first impression is very important, and some of the most important things to consider when building a winning homepage include:
Use Smaller Image Files Where Possible:
Of course, you want to make your homepage look as good as you can. However, high resolution images can come at a cost. They are usually large, and therefore take a long time to load, slowing your page load speeds. Research by Google shows that at over 50% of website visitors will leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, meaning that they are most likely visiting your competitor’s sites. Try and compress your images where possible, and limit image use on your homepage.